Elabrew Opens Brick and Mortar and Downtown Los Angeles

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No longer “just” a truck, Elabrew has built a storefront downtown. Finally. Long anticipated in these parts, the little caffeine engine that could has made a permanent stop on 6th street between Main and Los Angeles. That’s not to say the truck won’t continue to make its rounds through this city, and we hear there’s an Elabrew in Santa Monica, too. But boy are we excited to have a yet another selection of talented baristas with coveted beans to choose from. Beans from roasters like Ritual, which are always a delight to find in Los Angeles, and coffees made in a variety of complicated techniques such as with the elusive Kyoto cold brew siphon, which is also not an easy find here.


Joerael Elliott in front of part of his art at Elabrew.

Look, look into the window in the picture above. Painted all over the walls of this fantastic coffee outpost are Tarot card murals by super talented Los Angeles street artist and illustrator Joerael Elliot. Elliot said his visual work in Elabrew Downtown was inspired by the Marsielles Deck with a little bit of Tibetan imagery mixed in. The coffee is splendid, the walls are beautiful, Elabrew is a new jewel downtown not to be missed.





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