I Believe in Unicorns, Too! at WWA Gallery

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Does being sweet have an ugly side? That’s the curiosity drawn from “I believe in Unicorns, Too!,” the group show up at WWA Gallery through Mar. 23 featuring works by 50+ artists. Featuring an array of talented painters and illustrators who were tapped to portray the sticky-sweet fantasy world of their imagined lighter, softer dimension, a number of works are fun, while some are offputting. Conflict ranged from a lovers’ spat to sausage theivery to intoxication. It turns out even the downy white fur of unicorns can get boogers stuck in it… and things of the sort — ice cream has faces, insects pose in human-like portraits, and most depressing of all, unicorns have the same reasons to hit the bottle as humans. In watercolor.

At the show’s opening last month, viewers had the opportunity to direct any unregistered animalistic emotions, whether positive or negative, into one of the 50+ small-scale artworks, and dance with a unicorn if they were really feeling down. Artist CW Moss painted a fantasy-world photo booth backdrop and provided an appearance by Mister Unicorn (here’s his Facebook page), star of the artist’s new book, Why Unicorn Drinks, which was released Feb. 12, 2013 and is the sequel to Unicorn Being a Jerk. The art show featured original works by Moss, including the cover image from the new book. Images of loneliness,  beer bong-ing and moral compass-questioning bring the idealistic notion of the Unicorn as a rainbow-pooping horse of a more magic world crashing down. Somebody had to do it.

I Believe in Unicorns, Too!
Feb. 16-Mar. 23, 2013
WWA Gallery
9517 Culver Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232

Top image: CW Moss, Untitled (Why Unicorn Drinks Book Cover)


CW Moss, Untitled (He Thinks They Cast His Horn Too Small), ink and watercolor on paper


Dan Barry, fiore di uccelli (detail image), found frame with concave glass, found paper, graphite, elmer’s glue


Nicole Bruckman, Back to Neverland, acrylic on board




Edward Robin Coronel, The Sausage Thief, acrylic on canvas



Robert Bowen, Seahorse 2.0, acrylic on canvas


Ben Walker, Lover’s Spats, acrylic and gold leaf on wood


Andy Hernandez, Amore di un Falco, acrylic on cut wood


Larkin, The Widow Edenbury, acrylic on panel with crochet frame


JC Rivera, Left Behind, acrylic on canvas


Joseph Stein, Disappointment In Belief By Proxy, acrylic on wood


Allison Reimold, The Professor, Charcoal on paper

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