“POW! WOW! Hawaii” Breaks Barriers in Honolulu

Reminder: Hawaii is a rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Throughout most of history, it’s proven a culture difficult to penetrate. That also ensures the Islands’ heritage stays rich and seemingly unbreakable. So aside from the non-stop influx of sun-burned tourists sporting Aloha shirts, not much else coming from outside leaves much of…
POW WOW! Hawaii – Mural Progress. Photos and captions by Mike Cianciulli

Philadelphia-based Yis Goodwin, aka NoseGo, adds detail to his collaboration piece with Hawaii’s Aaron ‘Angry Woebots’ Martin (aka Woes) on the side of Lana Lane Studios in Honolulu’s Kaka’ako district during POW! WOW! Hawaii. POW WOW! Hawaii, a week-long event that brings over a hundred international and local artists together to create murals and other…