Celebrating Varnish Fine Art “Decade – 1, It’s Been a Bloody Good Ten Years”

For a decade now, Varnish Fine Arts’ Jen Rogers and Kerri Stephens have created a sense of community and family that embraces the Pop Surrealism/New Classical/avant-garde world. Their gallery showcases strong, strange art, and their mango-saki cocktails served at openings are notorious. They are stand-up gallery owners with an appreciation of both art and…
New Orleans’ Red Truck Gallery “Hard Times Mini Mall” Rolls Into Shooting Gallery

New Orleans’ Red Truck Gallery‘s group show “Hard Times Mini Mall” brought a burst of an Americana aesthetic to San Francisco’s Shooting Gallery, ranging from installations made of denim and fabric collages that resemble painting, to wool thread embedded in wax, and miniature drawings on matchbooks, as well as painting and more! CARTWHEEL has been following…
Mike Shine “Flotsam’s Harvest” at White Walls

Mike Shine created an entire universe at White Walls for the opening of “Flotsam’s Harvest,” his sweeping installation of street art, paintings, films, as he launched his graphic novella Flotsam’s Harvest, the tale of Dr. Flotsam’s encounters with ten people throughout the course of history. And to add even more intrigue, each aspect of Shine’s…
“Tarot: Art of Fortune” at Modern Eden Gallery, Curated by Warholian’s Michael Cuffe

The tarot inspired curator Michael Cuffe of Warholian Art to assemble this groups show; each artist was asked to re-imagine their favorite card from a standard deck, card from the Rider Waite deck, and the results are hanging at Modern Eden through April 6, 2013. Some works honored the traditional meanings of the indivudiual cards …