Cartwheel Preview: “Matter of Time” New Works by Gregory Siff

CARTWHEEL was invited to a preview of some of New York native Gregory Siff‘s creative processes in preparation for his third solo exhibit in Los Angeles at Gallery Brown this coming October 20th. If you are familiar with this artist work, you know he and his art comes from a place of honesty and playfulness, striking…
Interview With The Collective Known As Negativland

Erica White attended the opening for Negativland’s “Our Favorite Things”, at La Luz de Jesus which included a rare live musical performance by Negativland. She conducted the following interview via email with the collective.
Wet Plates with Photographer Ian Ruhter

L.A. River, Ian Ruhter Photography Ian Ruhter is a wet plate photographer with a camera on wheels, always going somewhere, so I consider myself one of the lucky few for getting to see his large, unprecedented 24×36-inch and 48×60-inch silver nitrate collodion wet plates in person. His special camera truck was parked at the Brewery…
Soul Project Debuts New Art Tees by Julie Goldstein in October at Del Mar Fairgrounds

The Soul Project believes in the power of place, which is something I love about this OC-based apparel art tee project. Places are people, too, at least that’s what I think whenever I turn up in my short list of neighborhoods, beaches and wide-spots-in-the-road. Soul Project was started by Summer and Don Meek of Laguna…
Dan Barry on his Taetrum et Dulce: Lux in Tenebris (Creepy and Sweet: Light in Darkness)

“Taetrum et Dulce: Lux in Tenebris,” the group show at the lively Distinction Gallery in Escondido, Calif., showcases 30 Pop-Surrealist and Lowbrow artists from ten countries. The well-curated international survey is the co-effort of two curators: Dan Barry, the artist of Austin, Texas, and David Vecchiato, the Italian artist and Gallery Director of MondoPOP in Rome,…
Stay Up! Los Angeles Street Art

From Downtown to Midtown to South Central, Los Angeles’ streets have become canvases. After MOCA’s “Art in the Streets,” street art not only grabbed Angelenos’ attention, it became a hot topic in the art world. Attempting to shed light on the city’s street art scene is Azusa Pacific professor and writer Jim Daichendt, author of…
Interview: It’s All Done With Ransom & Mitchell’s Smoke and Mirrors

Ransom & Mitchell have taken their photographic and film-making know-how, along with their love of pop-surrealist art and classical painting, to an elevated level by combining narrative themes, an illustrative approach, cinematic lighting, theatrically design sets, and a whole lot of inspiration from the Italian and Dutch Master painters. The end-result is their first fine-art exhibition, Smoke and Mirrors, which opens at Varnish Fine Arts in San Francisco on Saturday, September 8.