Cartwheel Art Tours Coverage: Neighborhood Explorations in DTLA, with Cartwheel Art Tours Hosts – Stephen and Jodi Zeigler

Walking The Line: Arts & Culture in The Historic Core” Fourth generation Angelenos, These Days gallery owners and decade long downtown Los Angeles residents, as well as Cartwheel Art Tours Hosts, Stephen & Jodi Zeigler, provided neighborhood explorations of The Historic Core and The Toy District during the Airbnb Open on Thursday November 17th. The Neighborhood…
Shepard Fairey Adds Mural to 118 Winston’s Indian Alley

The brick walls along the alley behind 118 Winston in Downtown Los Angeles’s Historic Core provide a canvas for some of Los Angeles best known muralists. Over Labor Day weekend, Shepard Fairey left his mark with a second mural on what is known as Indian Alley–much of the art work on the bricks represents images…