SAVE THE DATE: Open House on 7th Street – Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sunday, September 29, 2019, join us for the second Open House on 7th Street! From noon to 6pm, businesses and organizations located on (or near) 7th Street in the DTLA Arts District will be holding special events and offering discounts. Check the list below for details. Cartwheel Art and ICA LA organized the Open House to…
Cartwheel Tours: Nu Roots “Art & Artisans Crawl” – DTLA Arts District

Join Cindy Schwarzstein, founder of Cartwheel Tours, based in the Downtown Los Angeles Arts District, to celebrate the sixth night of Hanukkah, on an art + artisan crawl, as part of Infinite Light, a “citywide celebration powered by NuRoots. While on this walking tour, in Cindy’s rapidly changing and vibrant neighborhood, she will highlight the…