Mark Ryden’s “Gay 90’s West” Art at Kohn Gallery in Hollywood

CARTWHEEL takes a look at some of Mark Ryden’s art featured in Kohn Gallery’s “The Gay 90’s” show, on view until June 28, 2013.
Photos: Mark Ryden “Gay 90s West” Opening at Kohn Gallery

Mark Ryden’s “Gay 90s West” opening May 3, 2014 at Kohn Gallery was a gala event, with the artists and his wife, painter Marion Peck greeting fans and collectors, many in costume. The show runs through June 28, 2014 at Kohn Gallery’s newly opened and huge space. For our additional coverage by Iris Towery of…
Mark Ryden “Gay 90s Wests” Opens at Kohn Gallery

Who better to showcase at the inaugural exhibition of The Kohn Gallery‘s new 10,000-square foot Hollywood space, with 22-foot ceilings and massive glass windows, than pop-surrealist Mark Ryden? “The Gay Nineties West”exhibition will be one view Saturday, May 3, 2014 through June 28, 2014. The opening reception is from 12pm to 6pm, and attendees are…
Save the Date May 3: Mark Ryden “Gay ’90s West” at Kohn Gallery

Throw on your Victorian finery and iron your steampunk ensembles for Mark Ryden’s opening Saturday, May 3, 2014 at Kohn Gallery. The progenitor of hyperocular damsels, the master of meat, the man himself Mark Ryden will signing books from 4pm to 6pm, the reception for “Gay ’90s West” begins at noon. Bring quarters for parking!