Preview: ArtExpoSanDiego 2014, July 24 to 26 at WonderBread Factory

ArtExpoSD makes it debut at San Diego’s Wonder Bread Factory July 24 to 26. The brainchild of artist and designer Mark Murphy who organized art shows at Comic-Con, ArtExpoSD runs simultaneously with that mega-fest and Gam3rCon, giving San Diego locals and visitors a chance to see world class artists in an intimate (and free!) setting.…
ArtExpoSD: Panel Discussion June 26

The brand new ArtExpo San Diego debuts next month, July 24 to 26, during ComiCon and Gam3rCon, giving Con-goers and locals the opportunity to see some of the best in art, DYI, printmakers and related creators in a free and art-centric environment. Plus–shameless self promotion: Cartwheel Art is bringing Keith Dugas aka KrossD; Intellectual Property…