Coverage: Jason Rhoades Installations, 1994-2006 at Hauser, Wirth & Schimmel

Jason Rhoades Instillations, 1994-2006 opens at Hauser Wirth & Schimmel Saturday, February 18, 2017, and continues through May 21, 2017. Cartwheel Art was invited for the press opening where we were introduced to this survey of Rhoades expansive, multi layered, assemblage works, by Iwan Wirth, Schimmel and Paul McCarthy. Wirth spoke of his relationship with…
Paul Schimmel Announces HUGE Arts District Gallery

Former MOCA chief curator Paul Schimmel who left over MOCA’s then-director Jeffrey Deitch’s shall we say “deitchiness”–has returned victorious and triumphant to downtown Los Angeles, specifically to the Downtown Art District. On his Facebook page, Schimmel posted: My new home in downtown LA -a late 19 th early 20 th Century flour Mill. The 100,000…