October 18: Curating Homeboy Industries 5k Run Outdoor Art Show

October 18 I am curating my biggest art show yet, an outdoor, four-hour pop-up benefiting Homeboy Industries as part of their 5k run/walk, over forty artists and approximately eighty pieces of art that will be hung on a chain link fence. We start hanging at 5am, the show opens at 8am and is over at…
“Heads Will Roll” Aug 2 at Coagula Curatorial

“Heads Will Roll” is a hugely important exhibition, curated by Kelly Thompson, opeing August 2 at Coagula Curatorial. Kelly is a force of nature, an unstoppable artist. I first saw her work when she was in “Two Johns and a Whore” which I curated at Coagula Curatorial, and now she’s curating there, with a line…
Two Johns and a Whore: Well Hung and Packed at Coagula

I admit it, I curated this show, so I am biased, but damn, the “Two Johns and a Whore” opening at Coagula Curatorial on January 11 was a fun, over the top night of art and people. There were five openings on Chung King Road, and by 7:30 the scene was hopping, cameras flashing, red…
“Two Johns and a Whore” at Coagula Curatorial

Two Johns and a Whore debuts at Coagula Curatorial on January 11. It will be the most fun you could possibly experience without having to pay for it, if you know what I mean.
Two Johns and a Whore: Conjugating Myself

Sunday’s LA Times let the cat of the bag: If you read to the end in the awesome profile of Mat Gleason, you’ll see that I’m an artist and I’m curating an art show that opens January 11, 2014 at Coagula Curatorial. Part of the reason I began writing about art is that I love…