Preview & Save the Date: Feb 6 “Curate This, Part Deux” Gabba Gallery

Curators are in the spotlight at Gabba Gallery with “Curate This, Part Deux,” showing their art in the second installment of this popular group show. You’ll see work from many well known artists who curate, and discover that many curators have a sideline as artists. Full disclosure: I am the latter, and each time I…
“Curate This!!!” The Gabba Gallery, Opens February 28

There’s an art to curating, and many artists who curate, excited by the art of others, excited to further their own vision. The Gabba Gallery, which delights in showcasing all mediums of art, brings together twenty-six of these curator/artists for their first annual “Curate This!” opening Saturday, February 28 at 7pm. (Full disclosure: I am…
“Informationary” at Gallery 825, Presented by LAAA

Los Angeles Art Association presents new exhibitions opening Saturday October 11th, 2014 from 6:00-9:00pm at Gallery 825 in West Hollywood. Their north gallery will feature Inforamtionary, a group exhibition demonstrating the role of visual information in today’s information culture, juried by Herair & Lori Garboushian of the Beverly Hill-based Garboushian Gallery. Informationary also features in “Multiple…