LA Art Show: Desire Obtain Cherish, Diamond Dust, Duchamp, and a Series of Portraits.
For me the absolute stand out commentary work at the LA Art Show was Desire Obtain Cherish, Designer Pill Packs at The McLoughlin Gallery: Spot-on brutal commentary on the Business of Art, Designer Pill Packs state baldly that neither art nor consumer goods are a panacea for shallow weltschmerz or consumptive malaise. DOC’s barbed doses…
TILT Talks Street Art, American Food and “All You Can Eat”
On an otherwise uneventful weekday, I walked into Fabien Castanier Gallery in Studio City and encountered a giant burger made of bubble graffiti letters. As I walked around the gallery taking in all the other giant foods – including a colorful, star-studded hot dog–the sound of skateboard wheels caught my attention. In came TILT,…