Cartwheel Art Tours Coverage: Neighborhood Explorations in Pasadena, with Cartwheel Art Tours Host – Phil Santos

“Boulevard Blitz” Phil Santos, an Airbnb City Host known as “Landmark Painter,” who has painted many of LA’s hottest and best landmarks, as paintings, including one that was displayed at the famed Getty Center, and Cartwheel Art Tours host, led Neighborhood Explorations in his neighborhood of Pasadena, during the Airbnb Open on Thursday November 17th. It’s…
Preview & Save the Date: Feb 6 “Curate This, Part Deux” Gabba Gallery

Curators are in the spotlight at Gabba Gallery with “Curate This, Part Deux,” showing their art in the second installment of this popular group show. You’ll see work from many well known artists who curate, and discover that many curators have a sideline as artists. Full disclosure: I am the latter, and each time I…
January 9: The Gabba Gallery “Metro Dreams” Opening Reception

The Gabba Gallery presents another installment of its signature show style of four separate mini expeditions, this edition collectively entitled “Metro Dreams,” curated by Jason Ostro and Phil Santos, showcasing the works of Moncho1929, Vakseen, Amy Smith and HERO. Their diverse yet loosely connected works for “Metro Dreams” fill the almost 2000 sq. ft. gallery…
Save the Date/Preview: Wishlist 3.0 at The Gabba Gallery from Nov. 14 – Dec. 20

The Gabba Gallery in Los Angeles, will be presenting Wishlist 3.0, the ever-evolving, cash-and-carry exhibition of contemporary artwork at exceptionally affordable prices, from November 14 – December 20, 2015. Curated by Jason Ostro and Phil Santos, the group exhibition features more than 60 artists and a price cap of $1000. The third annual edition of Wishlist will be a…
Save the Date: Cuatro Love at The Gabba Gallery – June 6

The Gabba Gallery presents “Cuatro Love,” four diverse, mini exhibitions by artists Essi Zimm, Rene Gagnon, Morley and Max Neutra, curated by Jason Ostro and Phil Santos. Cuatro Love” opens on June 6, 2015 from 7pm-11pm and will be up through June 27, 2015. Essi Zimm’s exhibit “Nacht,” meaning night, in German, is a themed…
The Gabba Gallery with “Outside Lies Magic” Opens tonight!

The Gabba Gallery‘s “Outside Lies Magic”, an exhibition curated by Jason Ostro and Phil Santos opens tonight with an artists reception from 7:00pm – 11:00pm. The exhibition will bring the street art magic happening outside, into this almost 2000 sq. ft. gallery. Many of the artists pained murals in the streets last week in the what is…
“Curate This!!!” The Gabba Gallery, Opens February 28

There’s an art to curating, and many artists who curate, excited by the art of others, excited to further their own vision. The Gabba Gallery, which delights in showcasing all mediums of art, brings together twenty-six of these curator/artists for their first annual “Curate This!” opening Saturday, February 28 at 7pm. (Full disclosure: I am…
Save the Date: Urban Playground at The Gabba Gallery

“Urban Playground,” opening on Saturday August 23rd at The Gabba Gallery in Los Angeles brings the urban environment into their almost 2000 sq. ft. gallery. The Gabba Gallery: The playful excitement of children playing tag, a pick-up game of basketball, happy dogs, dandelions, metallic buildings, graffiti covered walls, boom boxes on full blast and skateboarders…