Cartwheel Art Tours Coverage: Neighborhood Explorations in Venice Canals, with Cartwheel Art Tours Host – Jay Kantor

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Cartwheel Art Tours Coverage: Neighborhood Explorations in Venice Canals, with Cartwheel Art Tours Host – Jay Kantor

“Alleys and Canals: Venice’s Hidden Gems” Jay Kantor of Kung Fu Breakfast, who is one of L.A.’s premiere location photographers, led groups for the Airbnb Open on Thursday November 17th’s, Neighborhood Explorations with Cartwheel Art Tours, in his favorite Los Angeles neighborhood — Venice, which he consider’s L.A.’s hidden jewel. Adventuring with Jay provided a…

Photos: VIP Reception Moby’s “Innocents” at PROJECT Gallery

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Photos: VIP Reception Moby’s “Innocents” at PROJECT Gallery

On Thursday February 20th, PROJECT Gallery,  hosted a VIP reception of Moby’s newest photography installation. As friends, fans, and artists roamed the Hollywood gallery, art enthusiasts celebrated the debut of “Innocents,” a collection of photographs portraying Moby’s vision of an eerie post-apocalyptic Los Angeles. PROJECT Gallery invited guests to step into Moby’s version of a…