Two Bit Circus Brings a High-Tech Carnival to the Downtown Los Angeles Arts District

There’s now a circus in town, one that tips, spins, and upends reality, reminding us that our minds are the greatest playground of all. Two Bit Circus, which opens Friday, September 7, has arrived in the Downtown Los Angeles Arts District with bells, whistles, pixels, a healthy take on circus food, and even a robot…
Dave Pressler’s “A Very Robot Christmas” at Red Pipe Gallery

Robots! Who doesn’t love robots? Robots are so beloved by our society there’s even a term for it: Robromance. So wind yourself up for some deep love and big fun (and bring the kids and/or your fave geek for extra joy) when Coagula’s Mat Gleason curates Dave Pressler’s “A Very Robot Christmas” at Red Pipe…