Black Light Ping Pong with Shepard Fairey Spinning–RSVP
Black light! Ping pong! Shepard Fairey DJ-ing! Plus Ryan McGinness’ new book, Women: New (Re)Presentations! All of this at the Standard Hotel Downtown! What a way to spend a Thursday evening! RSVP is a must ( for extreme revel which begins at 8pm. Eschew basic black and go for for the glow!
Context Art Fair: Sculptural and Bright First Year in Miami
Context was new the Miami art fair selection for 2012. was connected to yet another fair (Art Miami) by an outdoor courtyard lined with pop-up walls by Speedy Graphito and Bansky, as well as a gelato cart and a white tent where people sipped perrier out of the bottle. Context was held Dec. 6-9, 2012…
Exploring Wynwood Walls in Miami
This December, while the Miami Beach art fairs were going on, hundreds of people made a trip to the Wynwood Arts District, home to The Wynwood Walls street art courtyard and a thriving young gallery scene. This district is unique in the United States, where cameras are slung around every shoulder and people — some…