TKU Preview: Ausgang, Boyd, Heller, Neutra, Veca
The artwork for The Karma Underground‘s “Oh Brother, Where Art Thou” benefit expresses a wide variety of styles and subject matter, from Anthony Ausgang’s Pop Narrative and Max Neutra’s Pop Surrealism to Matthew Heller’s line drawings and Brandon Boyd’s water colors and Mark Dean Veca’s strong graphics. These and works of over thirty other artists…
Save the Date: The Karma Underground Charity Art Auction August 8, 2013
The Karma Underground–a dedicated group of art-centric Angelenos: artists, photographers, filmmakers, writers, and event producers–support the people of Tibet and their goal of remaining a unique and unified culture. Last year, TKU’s first ever art auction raised over $10,000 for Karmablast, a non-profit group dedicated to building schools and monasteries for the Tibetan people. …