Interview: Jay Blakesberg on JAM, a Photographic Anthology of Jambands
Join Jay Bakesberg in celebrating and signing JAM at Mr Musichead, 7511 Sunset Blvd in Hollywood on November 14. As long-time musicians know, jamming can be one of the most exhilarating experiences for players. A certain magic is attained by talented musicians playing off of one another. Over the years, a vibrant scene has…
Studio Visit: Making the Screen with Chuck Sperry
Chuck Sperry has been creating his particular style of screened art, usually for rock posters for over 15 years. Sperry was preparing for his touring exhibition, “The Flowers of Popular Victories” when we stopped by his Oakland, CA studio to learn his process, which he took us through twice, for the fist time using…
Three Exhibits In One Gallery at BLUM & POE
For the month of JULY, the gallery Blum & Poe is playing host to three exhibitions in their space at once. However, the first thing you notice when walking to their building is a memorial of flowers and stuffed animals along the sidewalk. Debates on the street ensued in regards to whether or not the…