SAVE THE DATE: Opening Reception of Sonya Palencia solo exhibition “An Unquiet Waltz” and a group show with Hanna Jaeun, Stephanie Inagaki, Ver Mar, Lizz Lopez & Abbybelle at Copro Gallery – Saturday February 17th

Copro Gallery at Bergamot Station in Santa Monica will be presenting two shows on Saturday, February 17th. The first is Sonya Palencia’s solo show “An Unquiet Waltz: Tales of Majesty and Demise in the Chaparral” with a new series of oil paintings inspired by her tenacious backyard in the Los Padres National Forest. Sonya Palencia,…
Beyond Eden: See It Sunday!

Beyond Eden was jammed full last night with art lovers taking in thisĀ art fair featuring three major New Contemporary galleries from the Westside and San Francisco’s Spoke Art Gallery. Beyond Eden continues today from noon to 5pm at the Los Angeles Municipal Gallery at Barnsdall Art Park, one of the loveliest spots in spots…