Myron Conan Dyal and Christopher Ulrich: Alchemy, Love, and “The Reckoning”

Sunday night mystic sculptor Myron Conan Dyal and painter Christopher Ulrich discussed their art, creativity, alchemy, religion, and love at La Luz de Jesus, further illuminating both artists’ works; Dyal has shown before at La Luz, and Ulrich’s monumental “The Christ Chronocator Series III: The Reckoning,” the final chapter in Ulrich’s six-year odyssey, the Demoneater…
Preview: October’s “The Macabre Show” at La Luz Highlights Grotesque Beauty

The word grotesque comes from the same Greek root as “grotto,” meaning a hidden place. It was in grottoes, either natural or man-made caves, on their sprawling estates where nobility would have artists create strange, fantasy-driven works of art to surprise, delight and disturb. By the 18th Century, the word’s usage, whether in English, French or…