Preview: Llyn Foulkes, Leigh Salgado, Vito LoRusso at Coagula Curatorial

As long as I’ve known Mat Gleason–from when he was organizing the Brewery’s original art shows and launching Coagula Magazine, and now with Coagula Curatorial–he still finds time to cast an astrological chart with the same fluidity he uses to toss out bon mots and cutting truths about the art scene; and he has…
Carlson Hatton “Extinction Burst” at Weekend Gallery, Closing October 28

Carlson Hatton‘s current show “Extinction Burst” is brilliant, both in concept and execution–the shapes and bright colors vibrate, leaping off the walls at Weekend Gallery. The two larger pieces, composed four panels each, run floor to ceiling, at first seemingly abstract combinations of shapes and form, revealing stories forged from complexly arranged imagery,…
Gary Baseman’s Nightmares of Halloweens Past: Exclusive Look

Gary Baseman loves Halloween. And he has spent over a decade collecting vintage Halloween photos from flea markets, estate sales, and various other repositories of forgotten familial detritus. Baseman has binders of masked and costumed merrymakers, over 1,500 photos in total, and on Saturday October 20, he puts 80 of those special images–all original…