Photo Coverage: “All Season Portfolio” by Patrick Martinez at Charlie James Gallery

Charlie James Gallery opened a solo exhibition by gallery artist Patrick Martinez titled “All Season Portfolio”, on January 14th from 6-9pm at the gallery in Downtown Los Angeles Chinatown. The show features new works of painting, drawing, and sculpture by the L.A. based artist, and is up through February 18th, 2017. More about Patrick Martinez and…
Save the Date: “Roll Call”, 11 Graffiti Artists from L.A., Curated by Gajin Fujita, at L.A. Louver – Wednesday November 16th

Join us at L.A. Louver, on Wednesday November 16th for the opening reception of “ROLL CALL,” where 11 artists from L.A., will be exhibiting in a show, curated by Gajin Fujita. Artists include: Chaz Bojorquez, David Cavazos (Big Sleeps), Fabian Debora, Ricardo Estrada, Gajin Fujita, Alex Kizu (Defer), Patrick Martinez, Retna, Jose Reza (Prime), Jesse Simon,…
“Scratch” at El Segundo Museum of Art

One of the most important museum shows to open this year, if not this decade, “Scratch” at the El Segundo Museum of Art works on numerous levels to highlight the past, present, and future of art, lettering, and Los Angeles. Last year, the Getty Research Institute began an ambitious program conceived by graffiti collector…
Paris Photo LA Opening: Oh La La!

Paris! Photos! Los Angeles! Beautiful photos and beautiful people and photos of strange and beautiful places, people and things. Photo Paris launched itself in Los Angeles at Paramount Studios in a big and beautiful way. The three day exhibit was packed with attendees taking in 60 international exhibitors representing photographers from 14 countries, as well…
Lovely Day Opening at Known Gallery

Patrick Martinez, a diverse young artist, is known for his lush colorful paintings and portraits set in the Los Angeles streets, his neon works that play on hip-hop themes, his sculptures and his limited-edition objects. For “Lovely Day,” he revisits the Los Angeles landscape. “It’s crazy to me that I wake up to beautiful days…