CARTWHEEL’s Best of 2013 L.A. Art Show

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CARTWHEEL’s Best of 2013 L.A. Art Show

From folk art to street art, here’s our roundup of trends and favorite sightings at the L.A. Art Show, January 23-27, 2013. The L.A. Art Show has established itself as the most important place to explore art trends the world over. A fair of this magnitude helps to communicate to the rest of the world…

CARTWHEEL’s Insider Guide to the L.A. Art Show

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CARTWHEEL’s Insider Guide to the L.A. Art Show

CARTWHEEL is honored to be part of the L.A. Art Show, happening January 23-27, 2013. With CARTWHEEL founder Cindy Schwarzstein on the host committee and our entire team dispatched to all facets of the fair throughout the week, expect detailed coverage and tons of great photos. Here are some of the galleries and artists that we…

Hiding In Plain Sight: “Freestyle” at Fabien Castanier Gallery

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Hiding In Plain Sight: “Freestyle” at Fabien Castanier Gallery

Friends mean well, most of the time, and I’m not the easiest person to talk to, so I understand that they’re just trying to connect with me on some level. Yet I have come to approach their art recommendations with a certain amount of trepidation. Do you know this artist so and so? You should…