Cartwheel Art Tours Coverage: Neighborhood Explorations in Koreatown, with Cartwheel Art Tours Host – Austin Wilkin

“Koreatown: 100 Years of History at a Glance” On Thursday November 17th, Documentary filmmaker, archivist, and transplant gone native, Austin Wilkin, led attendees for the Airbnb Open – Los Angeles, with Neighborhood Explorations in Koreatown, as part of programming, curated and produced by Cartwheel Art Tours founder, Cindy Schwarzstein. The exploration provided guests an adventure through time as…
“Beyond the Dark Veil” Ushers in the Beautiful Death at CSU Fullerton’s Begovich Gallery

Step beyond the veil into the haunting and beautiful world of the dead as the California State University Fullerton’s Begovich Gallery presents “Beyond the Dark Veil: PostMortem and Mourning Photography from The Thanatos Archive,” curated by Jacqueline Ann Bunge Barger, running November 2 though December 12, 2013. The Thanatos Archive houses an extensive collection of…
UAM CSULB – Songbirds of Today and a History Lesson from Long Ago

Apologies for not including the decoder ring in the title, but UAM CSULB stands for University Art Museum at California State University Long Beach …whew! It’s a hidden gem on the campus and definitely worth discovering if you get the chance. Especially since over several months they will have an offering of three different exhibits within the same…