SAVE THE DATE & PREVIEW: Opening Reception of “SACRIFICIAL LAMB,” a Taxidermy Art Show at Lethal Amounts – Saturday January 13th (7-10pm)

Join us at Lethal Amounts Gallery, in Downtown Los Angeles, on Saturday January 13th from 7-10pm, for the opening reception of “SACRIFICIAL LAMB,” a menagerie of contemporary taxidermy. Referencing animal sideshows of the early 19th century and circus “museum shows” which collected real and fabricated freaks, this group show combines the craft of traditional taxidermy with…
Save the Date & Interview: Closing Party for Edward Colver “Idle Worship II” at Lethal Amounts – Saturday May 20th

Edward Colver is best known for his iconic images of California punk and hardcore spanning the years of 1978-1984 though he has also captured many other subjects, from Tom Waits to Timothy Leary to Ice Cube, and others. His current show at Lethal Amounts, Idle Worship II – The Photography of Edward Colver, LA Underground…