SAVE THE DATE & REVIEW: Closing Reception of “Synthesis” – Featuring Collaborations by Aiseborne and Cache at Tonalli Studio – Saturday January 6th (3-8PM)
If you are a fan of great street art and have not yet seen this exhibit, don’t miss the closing of this first-time collaboration by Aiseborn and Cache. With styles as opposite as day and night, the two artists were introduced by a mutual friend, and came together while painting a mural. Cache is known…
Save the Date & Preview: “Synthesis” – Featuring Collaborations by Aiseborn and Cache at Tonalli Studio – December 9th
It’s not unusual to have two or more two street or graffiti artists working on the same mural. Often, in fact, the artists work in groups, such as LA’s well-known UTI, CBS, and K2S crews, who have created many murals throughout the Arts District and LA. But when the collaborative work is for a gallery…