Gallerists Discuss Armory Arts Week

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Gallerists Discuss Armory Arts Week

Amory Arts Week was a flurry of activity for collectors, artists, and of course gallerists, the majority of whom travel thousands of miles, coordinating the shipping of art works, setting up their booths, and then greeting myriads of visitors over the course of four days, before tearing it all down, and shipping it back. We…

PREVIEW: Armory Arts Week NY 2013: The Armory Show, Scope, Fountain, and Volta

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PREVIEW: Armory Arts Week NY 2013: The Armory Show, Scope, Fountain, and Volta

The oldest art fair in the United States, The Armory Show, has spawned a massive series of events that encompasses all five boroughs of New York City bringing international artists, galleries, dealers, collectors, and enthusiasts to the city for a week of non-stop art and culture activities. Armory Arts Week running March 5-10, 2013 includes…

CARTWHEEL Preview/Studio Visit: Desire Obtain Cherish #undertheinfluence

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CARTWHEEL Preview/Studio Visit: Desire Obtain Cherish #undertheinfluence

Damn, I love Desire Obtain Cherish. It’s art that’s just so crassly, in-your-face-smart, so spot on; but  so  luxuriously well-thought out and executed; lush, voluptuous, yet razor sharp; the lover’s kiss is really a dagger; so sweet and brutal, savvy and seductive. Desire Obtain Cherish is actually a he, Jonathan Paul, but it’s also brand…