CARTWHEEL Interview: Corey Hagberg in his Rockford, Ill. Studio

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CARTWHEEL Interview: Corey Hagberg in his Rockford, Ill. Studio

When 33-year-old artist Corey Hagberg was four years old, he watched his dad draw super heroes and fighter planes with a mechanical pencil and equated the scents of lead and erasers with magical abilities to stop time. Two years later, at a garage sale, I remember coming across this skateboard with some of the most…

Exploring Wynwood Walls in Miami

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Exploring Wynwood Walls in Miami

This December, while the Miami Beach art fairs were going on, hundreds of people made a trip to the Wynwood Arts District, home to The Wynwood Walls street art courtyard and a thriving young gallery scene. This district is unique in the United States, where cameras are slung around every shoulder and people — some…