Cartwheel Tours: “Venice Beach Walk with Dan Levy of Juice Magazine” – Venice Beach

Immerse yourself in Venice Beach with the contagious positive energy of Dan Levy, a Venice Beach local, who will provide an insider perspective about the history of his neighborhood’s culture, which includes the birth of the skateparks and muscle beach. You’ll also view murals and street art of local and well-known artists and see points of interest…
Cartwheel Tours: “Venice Beach Walk with Dan Levy” – Venice Beach

Immerse yourself in Venice Beach with the contagious positive energy of Dan Levy, a Venice Beach local, who will provide an insider perspective about the history of his neighborhood’s culture, which includes the birth of the skateparks and muscle beach. You’ll also view murals and street art of local and well-known artists and see points of interest…
Event Coverage: Opening Night for 2018 stARTup Art Fair in Venice Beach at The Kinney

The 3rd annual Los Angeles stARTup Art Fair held two weeks ago at the Kinney Hotel in Venice Beach provided a beautiful showcase for the increasingly popular art fair where each artist turns a hotel room into their own gallery space. This iteration of the contemporary fair featured nearly 70 individual unrepresented artists with very…
SAVE THE DATE & PREVIEW: The stARTup Art Fair in Venice Beach – January 26th through 28th
The stARTup Art Fair opening this Friday Jan. 26th at the Kinney Hotel in Venice Beach will showcase over 50 emerging artists selected by an outstanding panel of gallery and museum curators, art critics, gallery owners and art publishers. The resulting mix covers all disciplines and styles, from installation art to assemblage, encaustic abstract painting…
SAVE THE DATE & PREVIEW: Jerico Woggon at stARTup Art Fair – Friday January 26th through Sunday January 28th

The stARTup Art Fair featuring emerging and leading independent contemporary artists will take place this year at the Kinney Hotel in Venice Beach. This unique well-curated art show will feature over 50 artists in all mediums who will transform hotel rooms into individual galleries highlighting their work. Meet the artists and purchase fine art direct from the…
Cartwheel Art Tours x Atlas Obscura: Venice Beach

Step back in time to the 1970s, when motorcycle clubs ruled the boardwalk, local surfers dodged the ruins of a sunken amusement park, and the Z-Boys revolutionized skateboarding in empty swimming pools. On August 27, we’ll explore the surprising past of this beach community with Cartwheel Art Tours founder, Cindy Schwarzstein and Juice Magazine’s Dan…
Tour Coverage: Junior League of Los Angeles with Dan Levy of Cartwheel Art Tours x Kim Ohanneson of Women Who Whiskey

On Sunday February 26th, a group of dynamic women from the Junior League of Los Angeles, descended upon an immersive private tour experience in Venice Beach. The tour was offered in partnership by Cindy Schwarztein of Cartwheel Art x Kim Ohanneson, Los Angeles chapter president of Women Who Whiskey. The tour was designed to include a neighborhood…
Photo Coverage: Opening Reception for the “Winter Invitational” at C.A.V.E. Gallery

Saturday January 14th was the opening reception for C.A.V.E. Gallery‘s “Winter Invitational” at their new Venice Beach location. With so much great artwork, many of the artists in attendance and the excitement of the new location, which is just next door to LA Louver, this was definitely one of the more fun openings! Congratulations Patrick and…
Cartwheel Art Tours x Atlas Obscura: Venice Beach

Step back in time to the 1970s, when motorcycle clubs ruled the boardwalk, local surfers dodged the ruins of a sunken amusement park, and the Z-Boys revolutionized skateboarding in empty swimming pools. On December 11th, we’ll explore the surprising past of this beach community with Cartwheel Art Tours founder, Cindy Schwarzstein and Juice Magazine’s Dan…
Cartwheel Art Tours Coverage: Airbnb Open – 35 Neighborhood Explorations in Los Angeles, Curated and Produced by Cartwheel Art Tours Founder, Cindy Schwarzstein

On Thursday November 17th, Cartwheel Art Tours provided programming for the Airbnb Open – Los Angeles, with 35 Neighborhood Explorations, curated and produced by Cartwheel Art Tours founder, Cindy Schwarzstein. The Neighborhood Explorations were designed by Cartwheel Art Tours as an opportunity for the 7,000 attendees of the Airbnb Open, to immerse themselves in the cultural diversity found throughout…
Cartwheel Art Tours Coverage: Neighborhood Explorations in Venice Beach, with Cartwheel Art Tours Host – Jules Muck

“Muck Murals in Venice Beach” On Thursday November 17th, guests of the Airbnb Open, roamed the alleys and streets of colorful Venice Beach, on Cartwheel Art Tours Neighborhood Explorations, with local artist Jules Muck. The Neighborhood Explorations were curated and produced by Cartwheel Art Tours founder, Cindy Schwarzstein. Jules has been a regular speaker on…